Anyone Can Move programs give you new ways to think about old problems.
The body was made to move at every age. From the moment we start breathing, our limbs want to respond. Movement can be casual (a walk around the block), it can be luxurious (floating in a pool), it can be done alone or with a partner. You can do it standing, in a chair, or in a wheelchair. All we need to do is practice the art of moving until it becomes a new habit and rather than a struggle, it becomes play.
The Anyone Can Move and the Close Contact for Couples® programs are examples of the best movement practices. They're safe, they're fun, and will help improve flexibility, coordination, attitude, and body image. No matter your previous experiences with exercise, these programs can add extra benefits to your life.
Our ethos
Dream it.
You may not even remember what it was like to run or jump. But you can imagine yourself doing any great feat. Visualizing is one way to try something new.
Build it.
In our programs, we start small with easy exercises and put together chunks of information so that they hang together on a secure structure.
Grow it.
As participants grow more attuned to ways of working, we get bigger and more daring. Our participants start to strategize with one another about different ways to move.
Be Calm.
The idea is to take movement slowly and relax. No one ever reached the top of a ladder before taking the lowest step. Just breathe and you can get to the next step.
Be Confident.
Practice never made perfect. It only made a kind of security with repetition that eventually felt pretty darn good. The more you do, the more brave you may be.
Be Together.
The programs give partners support. They are designed to increase communication via physical touch, eye contact and reassuring words. We rely on one another.
About Judith Sachs
JUDITH SACHS is Founder and Director of ANYONE CAN DANCE®, an adaptive movement program in Philadelphia, PA. Although she started her professional life on the stage, and then moved to the healthcare arena, she now combines these two passions. Since we were designed to move throughout our lifetime, her goal is to get everyone comfortable in their body.
As the daughter and granddaughter of physicians, Judith understands that there are different types of medicine—and healing can happen as we become more aware of our own potential to move, at whatever age or stage of life.
Judith is a certified Dance for PD® teacher in Philadelphia and a 2020 and 2021 Parkinsons Foundation COE Grantee for her innovative therapy program, CLOSE CONTACT for COUPLES® with PD. This year, the program runs in collaboration with Penn Medicine and the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Cleveland Clinic, Las Vegas.